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Showing posts from June, 2020

Pink lips naturally: 5-Ways to make your lips pink naturally

5-Ways to make your lips pink naturally There are many ways to get pink lips by using expensive products, but if you want naturally pink lips with natural remedies. Lips are one of most beautiful feature of face , but dark lips just take away from your beauty. So, instead of investing in expensive products ,lets choose natural remedies for pink lips.   Here are the 5- ways to get pink lips naturally:- 1. Drink at least 9-10 glasses of water to stay hydrated. 2. Use spf 20 lip balm when you go outside. 3. Scrub your lips with paste of crushed sugar, honey, lemon once in a week. 4. Apply beetroot juice on lips at night for better results. 5. Apply ghee in your navel. Dark lips are common problems among peoples these days. But with the help of natural remedies , one can get pink and soft lips naturally without any much expensive investment.

Oily skin treatment at home: Home remedies for oily skin by Desi nuskhe

Home remedies for oily skin by Desi nuskhe  Is oily face skin makes your beauty dull?? Don't worry , we have a solution for your problems related to oily face skin. Here top 10 simple home based remedies for oily skin, by follow these simple hacks you can get beautiful skin naturally . 1. Wash your face two times in a day with chickpea (besan) flour. 2. Use  herbal  face  toner. 3. applying aloe vera gel after face washing. 4. Use blotting paper instead of hanky or towel to clean face. 5. Apply hone for at least 5 minutes 3-4 times in a week. 6. Exfoliate face with scrub once in a week. 7. Apply oil free sunscreen daily. 8. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. 9. Use oil free makeup products for your face . 10. Before going to bed , remove your makeup . These were the simple hacks for oily skin . One can easily use these hacks without investing much money . Home based remedies are always good for health and give better results withou...

Natural beauty : Ice-cube beauty hacks

Natural beauty :Ice-cube beauty hacks Ice-cube beauty hacks , useful hacks with ice for everyday makeup.   These hacks are simple and easy to use everyday without paying anything . You just simple need Ice cubes for these simple beauty hacks .  These ice cube hacks never fails and everyone should know about that. Here are the some ice-cube hacks for you:-  1. The puff eyes- Reduce dark circles and puff eyes by ice - cube. 2. Makeup- Apply ice-cube on face before makeup, ice-cube reduce pores , refresh skin , and makes makeup long lasting. 3. Healthy glow- Ice cube helps in treating fine lines and improve blood circulation for an instant face lift. 4. Eyebrow- Use ice cube on eyebrow  before eyebrow tweezing , it reduce tweezing pain. 5. Pimple-  Use ice cube on pimple to reduce the redness and swelling. 6. Wrinkle problem- Applying ice cube on face helps in preventing wrinkle problems , tighten the skin , keep moisture locked in skin....

Natural skin whitening tips: Homemade beauty tips for body

Natural whitening tips : Homemade beauty tips for body . Here are the some homemade beauty tips for body , everyone should know about this because everyone wants to looks beautiful and young all time. 1. Dark underarms-Take 1 tsp of turmeric powder , 1 tsp milk , 1 tsp honey and mix well. apply for 10-15 on underarms and wash it with warm water . 2. Pink lips- Mix beetroot and sugar , this scrub is wonderful for getting soft and pink lips. 3. Spa pedicure at home-Mix 2 tsp baking soda with 10 liter water for a  soothing foot soak. Add your favourite oil and soak foot for 20 minutes. Scrub your feet with brush , this make your foot beautiful and tan free. 4. Cleanser- Add few drops of rose water in milk , make a paste . Massage on face for 3-5 minutes in circular motion .Wash off with cold water to close open skin pores , this cleanser gives soft texture to the face. 5. Dark neck- mix equal amount of lemon and olive oil and make a paste , apply this mixture on dark nec...

Home remedies for hair growth: Best natural hair growth remedies in hindi

Home remedies for hair growth: Best natural hair growth remedies in hindi  Natural home proven remedies in hindi 1. बाल धोने के बाद चावल के पानी से बालो को धोए , ऐसा करने से बाल चमकदार और लम्बे होते हैं | 2 . प्याज और अलोएवेरा का घोल बनाकर बालो पर लगाने से बाल मजबूत और डैंड्रफ से बचते हैं | 3 . हफ्ते में एक बार बालो को चाय पत्ती के पानी से धोये , ऐसा करने से बालो में चमक आती हैं | 4 .  थोड़ी दही और उसमे एक निम्बू मिलाकर पेस्ट बना ले और इसको बालो में लगाए , ऐसा करने से बालो की जड़े मजबूत होती है और डैंड्रफ भी ख़त्म हो जाता है | 5 . बालो में अगर खुजली और डैंड्रफ है तो मुलेठी का पाउडर और छाछ मिलाकर लगाए , 3 से 4 घंटे तक यह पेस्ट लगा रहने दे | ऐसा करने से खुजली और डैंड्रफ के समस्या खत्म होजायेगी | 6. हफ्ते में कम से कम 3  बार सरसो के तेल से मसाज करे , ऐसा करने से स्कैल्प में रक्त संचार अच्छा होता हे और जड़े मजबूत होती हे | 7.  जितना हो सके उतनी ओमेगा  -3  नामक डाइट ले जेसे अंडा ,दूध , मछली आदि | जितना हो सके अच्छी डाइट ले , खूब पानी पिये , हरी सब्जिय...

Natural beauty :Makeup hacks

Natural beauty: Makeup hacks that will change every woman's life. Every girl or women wants to be beautiful, and we use thousands of tricks to stay young and fresh all time.     Here are the some tricks or hacks for everyday makeup  1. Cracked lips-all you need is some mustard oil for your belly button in the night before you sleep. Within two days , you will observe that crack lips recover quickly than applying those chapsticks 10 times a day ! 2. Renew mascara - by adding some salt water to the mascara . keep it for some time and check if its wet again. 3. Fuller lashes- just dip a cotton bud into baby powder and run it across the lashes once the mascara is applied , work done and you will get a fuller lashes. 4. Dry feet- to exfoliate dry feet , use coconut oil and brown sugar and make a paste . with the help of this paste , massage gently in circular motion. In few days you will get soft feet because this paste removes dead skin from your feet...

Kitchen tips in hindi

Kitchen tips in hindi. awesome kitchen tips and hacks that makes life easy. 1 . जले हुए बर्तन में नमक और पानी डालकर करीब चार मिनट तक उबले | फिर बर्तन धोने वाली साबून और ब्रश से साफ़ करे | ऐसा करने से बर्तन के जले हुए नीसन साफ़ हो जायेंगे |  2 . प्याज काटने से पहले 10 मिनट के ले  फ्रिज में रख दे , ऐसा करने से प्याज काटते समय आँखों से आंसू नहीं आएंगे |  3 . चम्मच में गुड़ या शहद ना चिपके उसके लिए चम्मच में पहले तेल या गर्म पानी लगा ले फिर शहद निकाले , ऐसा करने से वह चिपकेगा नहीं |  4 . अगर शहद जम तो शहद के डिब्बे को गर्म पानी में थोड़ी देर के ले छोड़ दे , ऐसा करने से शहद पिघल जायेगा |  5 . छेना फाड़ने के बाद बचे पानी को फेके नहीं , उसका इस्तेमाल रोटी या परांठे गुथने में ले। ऐसा करने से रोटी मुलायम और स्वादिस्ट बनेंगी।  6 . पकोड़े बनाते समय उसमे चावल का आटा  मिला दे ,ऐसा करने से वह क्रिस्पी बनेंगे।  7 . मिठी डिश बनाते समय उसमे एक चुटकी नमक डाल दे , इससे स्वाद ज्यादा उभर कर आएगा।  8 . चावल खिले - खिले बनाने के ले उस...

Home remedies for Dandruff : natural dandruff remedies

Home remedies for Dandruff. What are the best home remedies for dandruff? Dandruff can leads to some embarrassing situations. It is very common and can make us frustrated easily. Here's everything you need to know about what causes dandruff, what are the symptoms are and how to treat it effectively. Symptom of dandruff - The most obvious symptom of dandruff is those obnoxious white flakes of dead skin that keep showing up in your hair and across your shoulders.Many people also experience an itchy and scaly scalp. Dealing With  dandruff isn't anybody's idea of good time. the itchy scalp and the constant flakes are annoying and even a little embarrassing. Fortunately , you don't need to resign yourself to a life spent with dandruff , So , there are treatments you can use to relieve your symptoms and move forward with a healthy hairs. Some home based remedies for dandruff- 1. Massages garlic and honey paste in your scalp , 15 minutes before shampoo. Gar...

Tourist places of Delhi

Tourist places of Delhi                         Best tourist places of Delhi,in this article we discuss about best tourist places of Delhi. Delhi, city and national capital domain, north-focal India. The city of Delhi really comprises of two segments: Old Delhi, in the north, the notable city; and New Delhi, in the south, since 1947 the capital of India, worked in the initial segment of the twentieth century as the capital of British India.The national capital region grasps Old and New Delhi and the encompassing metropolitan district, just as nearby provincial zones. Toward the east the domain is limited by the province of Uttar Pradesh, and toward the north, west, and south it is limited by the territory of Haryana. Atmosphere The atmosphere of Delhi is described by outrageous dryness, with seriously blistering summers. It is related with a general pervasiveness of mainland air, which moves in from the west or northw...